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Article 1
SLOVENIAN CHAMBER MUSIC THEATER (hereafter SKGG) unites musicians and other theater and cultural workers who want to engage in chamber music theater on a voluntary basis
Article 2
SKGG is a legal entity under private law. Sedež SKGG is in Ljubljana, Sostrska cesta 14 J, 1261 Ljubljana - Dobrunje and operates in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. By decision of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, SKGG is an association in the public interest.
Article 3
SKGG has its seal, which is round in shape with the name of the association on the circumference.
Article 4
SKGG can cooperate with other organizations in the Republic of Slovenia that work in the field of chamber music theater and contribute to the development of it and related activities.
SKGG can participate independently or become a member of related international and foreign organizations that have similar aims and objectives.
Article 5
The work of SKGG and its bodies is public. SKGG informs its members:
- s pravico vpogleda članov v minutes of the association's bodies,
- preko društvenega glasila
- preko sredstev javnega obveščanja.
SKGG informs the general public about its work by holding public meetings of the association's bodies, organizing round tables, press conferences, and inviting representatives of interested bodies, institutions, organizations and media representatives to its meetings.
The president of SKGG is responsible for ensuring the publicity of the work and providing accurate information about the work of SKGG.
6. Article
The purpose and goals of the SKGG are:
- sodelovanje z organizacijami in institucijami , who deal with chamber music theater,
- prizadevanje za visoko strokovno raven works of SKGG
- seznanjanje članov in slovenske javnosti about problems and progress in the field of the association's activities,
- spodbujanje strokovnega izpopolnjevanja članov SKGG and advocating for scholarship and exchange of experts at home and abroad,
- seznanjanje članov in slovenske javnosti with the achievements of world chamber music and theater literature,
- bringing together theater workers from the field of chamber music and theater and promoting, developing interests and coordinating creative needs of individuals and groups in the field of chamber music _cc781905-5cde-3194-136bad5cf58d_ in Slovenia,
- uprizarjanje komornih glasbeno-gledaliških pieces from all periods, but especially pieces from the period of musical baroque and contemporary works by foreign and Slovenian composers,
- spodbujanje nastajanja komornih glasbeno- theater works by Slovenian composers and lyricists,
- spodbujanje poustvarjalnosti na glasbeno- theater field,
- skrb za afirmacijo in popularizacijo chamber music and theater activities in Slovenia
- vzdrževanje stikov s sorodnimi ustanovami abroad.
Article 7
SKGG realizes its purpose and goals by performing the following tasks:
- skrbi za dvig strokovnega znanja of its members,
- pripravlja in organizira komorne glasbeno -theatrical performances in stage or concert performance, thus stimulating the public's interest in chamber music theatre,
- sodeluje pri načrtovanju vzgojno izobraževalnih programs,
- prevaja in izdajo strokovno literaturo , especially scores and their individual parts in accordance with applicable legislation
- zbira in hrani dokumentacijo domačih chamber music-theatre events in all forms (written and printed word, scores, film, video, etc.),
- obravnava aktualna vprašanja slovenske komorne music and theater arts,
- izmenjuje informacije s področja komornega musical theatre,
- sodeluje z različnimi drugimi organizacijami , especially with the Committee for Musical Theater of the International Theater Institute ITT-Unesco,
- posreduje podatke o slovenskem komornem to organizations abroad interested in music and theater life,
- predlaga kandidate za različna priznanja and awards.
Article 8
The association has regular, honorary and supporting members.
Anyone who works with chamber music theater or is otherwise connected to this field in their work can become a regular member of SKGG. Membership in SKGG is voluntary. Anyone who wants to become a member of SKGG must submit a declaration of accession to the presidency, in which he expresses his desire to become a member of SKGG, undertakes to work in accordance with the statute of SKGG and pay the membership fee.
A foreign citizen can also become a member of SKGG under the same conditions.
The title of honorary member can be awarded to a SKGG member who has made special contributions to the development and successful work of the association. The SKGG can also award the title of honorary member of the SKGG to a non-member who has great merit in the field of chamber music theater in the Slovenian cultural space. The title of honorary member is awarded by the SKGG assembly at the proposal of the presidency.
Article 9
The rights of regular members are:
- da volijo in so izvoljeni to the SKGG bodies,
- da sodelujejo pri delu in co-decide in SKGG bodies,
- da uporabljajo skupne dosežke in the results of SKGG's performance in its work,
- da uresničujejo svoje osebne interese in the field of SKGG activities,
- da so seznanjeni s programom and operations of SKGG and its financial and material operations.
Honorary members can participate and discuss in the meetings of the assembly, but they do not have the right to make decisions.
Duties of regular members are:
- da spoštujejo statut in druge acts and decisions of SKGG bodies,
- da aktivno sodelujejo in s their work contributes to the realization of the goals and tasks of SKGG,
- da redno plačujejo članarino v the amount determined by the SKGG assembly,
- da dajejo SKGG informacije, which are necessary for the implementation of joint agreed tasks,
- da prenašajo svoje izkušnje in knowledge to younger members of SKGG,
- da varujejo ugled SKGG.
Article 10
Membership in SKGG ends:
- s prostovoljnim izstopom
- s črtanjem
- z izključitvijo
- s smrtjo
A member voluntarily withdraws from SKGG if he sends a written statement of withdrawal to the presidency.
A member is removed from membership by the presidency if, despite a reminder, he does not pay the membership fee in the current year.
The expulsion of a member from the SKGG is decided by the honorable tribunal of the SKGG with a decision. The decision must be in accordance with the rules of the Honorable Tribunal.
Article 11
The bodies of the SKGG are:
- skupščina,
- predsedstvo
- nadzorni odbor
- častno razsodišče
Article 12
The Assembly is the highest body of SKGG, which consists of all members.
The assembly can be regular or extraordinary. The regular assembly is convened by the presidency once a year. The extraordinary assembly is convened by decision of the presidency, at the request of the supervisory board or at the request of one-third of the SKGG members. The presidency is obliged to convene an extraordinary assembly within 30 days of receiving the request for convening. If the presidency does not convene the extraordinary assembly within the prescribed period, it is convened by the proposer, who must also submit the agenda with relevant materials. The extraordinary general meeting only decides on the matter for which it was convened.
Article 13
SKGG members must be informed about the convening of the assembly and the submitted agenda at least 14 days before the convening.
The assembly has a quorum if more than half of the members are present.
If the assembly does not have a quorum, the session is decided for 30 minutes. After this time has passed, the assembly is quorum if at least 5 members are present.
As a rule, voting is public, but members can decide on a secret voting method at the meeting itself. Elections of bodies are generally secret. The assembly makes decisions with the majority of votes of the members present.
Article 14
Tasks of the assembly:
- sklepa o dnevnem redu
- sprejema, spreminja statut in other acts of the association,
- sprejema program dela SKGG,
- sprejema finančni načrt in zaključni bill,
- voli in razrešuje predsednika, secretary and treasurer and members of the board, supervisory board and honorary tribunal,
- odloča o višini članarine,
- odloča o pritožbah zoper sklepe the Presidency, the Supervisory Board and the Honorary Tribunal,
- odloča o vključevanju in sodelovanju with other related organizations,
- dokončno odloča o izključitvi člana from SKGG,
- odloča o drugih zadevah, which are proposed by the bodies and members of SKGG in accordance with the purpose and goals of SKGG,
- odloča o nakupu in prodaji real estate,
- sklepa o prenehanju delovanja SKGG .
Individual proposals for discussion at the general meeting must be sent to the presidency in writing at least 8 days before the convocation.
Minutes are kept of the work of the assembly, which are signed by the chairman, the minute-taker and two notifiers.
Article 15
The Presidency is the executive body of the assembly, which performs organizational, professional, technical and administrative work and manages the work of the SKGG between two assemblies according to the program and resolutions adopted at the assembly.
The presidency is responsible for its work to the assembly.
The Presidency has 5 members. It consists of the president, secretary and treasurer and two elected members.
The presidency meets as needed, but at least twice a year.
The term of office of the members of the presidency is 4 years.
Article 16
The tasks of the presidency are:
- sklicuje skupščino,
- skrbi za izvrševanje programa dela SKGG,
- pripravlja predloge aktov SKGG,
- pripravi predlog finančnega plana in final account,
- skrbi za finančno in materialno operations of SKGG,
- upravlja s premoženjem SKGG,
- ustanavlja in ukinja komisije SKGG ,
- uresničuje druge naloge, ki they derive from SKGG acts and tasks that are additionally assigned to it by the assembly.
Article 17
The Presidency works at meetings convened and chaired by the SKGG president, and in his absence by the SKGG secretary.
The presidency is quorum if more than half of the members are present at the meeting. Valid resolutions are adopted by the majority of the votes of those present.
The presidency can appoint commissions to carry out individual tasks. The tasks, the number of members and the chairman of the commissions are determined by the presidency. Only SKGG members can be members of the commission. The commissions are responsible for their work to the presidency. Exceptionally, SKGG may invite external collaborators to participate in the commission's work.
Article 18
SKGG can also establish sections. Sections are the SKGG's work method organized according to the interest principle of SKGG members. The section is established by the presidency on the initiative of SKGG members. Sections are not legal entities and must work in accordance with the SKGG statute.
Sections are responsible for their work to the presidency.
Article 19
Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board monitors the work of the Presidency and other bodies of the SKGG and supervises the financial and material operations of the SKGG. The supervisory board reports once a year to the assembly, which is also responsible for its work.
The supervisory board consists of three members elected by the assembly. The members elect a president from among themselves. Members of the supervisory board cannot be members of the board at the same time. They can participate in the meetings of the presidency, but they cannot make decisions. The Supervisory Board has a quorum if all three members are present at the meeting. Valid resolutions are adopted by the majority of those present.
The term of office of the members of the supervisory board is 4 years.
Article 20
Honorable Tribunal
The members of the Honorary Tribunal are elected by the Assembly for a period of 4 years. It consists of ga four members. It meets as necessary on the basis of written requests from SKGG members or bodies.
The Honorable Tribunal conducts the proceedings and imposes disciplinary measures in accordance with the rules of the Honorable Tribunal.
Article 21
Disciplinary violations dealt with by the Honorable Tribunal are as follows:
- kršitve določb statuta,
- nevestno in lahkomiselno sprejemanje in execution of accepted duties and functions in SKGG,
- neizvrševanje sklepov organov SKGG,
- dejanja, ki kakorkoli škodujejo the reputation of SKGG.
Article 22
Disciplinary measures imposed by the Honorable Tribunal following the procedure in accordance with the disciplinary regulations are:
- opomin
- javni opomin
- izključitev
The right of appeal to the General Assembly as a second instance body is affected against the decision issued by the Honorable Tribunal.
Article 23
President of SKGG
The president represents and presents SKGG before state and other bodies and organizations in the country and abroad.
The president of SKGG is also the chairman of the board and is elected by the assembly for a period of 4 years.
The president is responsible for the operation of the SKGG in accordance with the statute and legal order of the Republic of Slovenia. He is responsible for his work to the presidency and the assembly.
24. article
SKGG secretary
The secretary of the association, who is elected by the general assembly for a period of 4 years, is responsible for carrying out professional technical and administrative work and coordination between SKGG bodies. He is responsible for his work to the assembly.
Article 25
The sources of income are:
- članarine,
- darila, volila,
- dohodek iz dejavnosti SKGG in title of material rights (entrance fees from SKGG performances, income from publishing activities, etc.),
- prispevek sponzorjev,
- javna sredstva,
- drugi viri.
If SKGG creates a surplus of income over expenses in carrying out its activities, it must use it to carry out the activity for which it was established.
Any division of property among its members is void.
J.58.110 Publication of books,
J.58.130, Publication of newspapers
J58.140 Publication of magazines and other periodicals
J.58.190 Other publishing
C18.130 Preparation for printing and publication
J59.110 Production of video films (production of films, video films, television shows, video spots, etc.)
J59.120 Post production, editing and processing of video films
J59.130 Distribution of films, video films, television programs (distribution of own video projects to cinemas, television networks and stations, etc., also trading of film rights for films, videotapes and DVDs)
J59.200 Recording and publishing of sound recordings and musicals (preparation of own author's sound recordings and management of rights on behalf of carriers)
M.73.120 Mediation of advertising space
G47.990 Other retail trade outside shops, stalls, markets,
N77.290 Renting or leasing of other products for general use - leasing of fixed assets and equipment
P85.520 Education, training and training in the field of culture and art
P85,600 Ancillary services for education: billing for services in the field of education and billing for various performances and cultural programs
R 90.010 Artistic staging (preparation and performance of theater, opera or dance performances, concerts and other stage events)
R 90.020 Accompanying activities for artistic staging (auxiliary activities necessary for performing artistic performances, concerts)
R 90.030 Artistic creation (activities of independent authors in various fields)
R 90.040 Operation of facilities for cultural events (operation of concert and theater halls and similar facilities)
S. 94.120 Activity of professional associations
S.94.999 Activity of membership organizations not classified elsewhere,
Article 26
SKGG disposes of financial resources in accordance with the program and financial plans adopted by the assembly. At the regular assembly, the members consider and adopt the final account every year.
Article 27
Financial and material documents are signed by the president and the secretary.
Financial and material operations must be in accordance with applicable regulations in this area
The treasurer manages financial and material operations in accordance with the rules on financial and material operations, in which the association also determines the way of managing and presenting data on the financial and material operations of the association, which must be in accordance with accounting standards for associations.
SKGG has its giro account with the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Payment Transactions, Supervision and Information and with Nova Ljubljanska banka in Ljubljana.
Article 28
The treasurer's work is public.
Every member of SKGG has the right to inspect the financial and material documentation and operations of SKGG.
SKGG can employ a financial expert in accordance with the applicable legislation in the field of labor law to assist in arranging financially material matters.
Article 29
SKGG has movable and immovable property, which is entered in the inventory book as the property of SKGG.
Movable property can be purchased or disposed of only on the basis of a decision of the Presidency. Immovable property can be bought or sold only on the basis of a resolution of the general meeting.
Article 30
The statute enables SKGG to employ a person in accordance with the Rules on the Organization of Business and the Systematization of Jobs in the Professional Service of the SKGG Association.
Article 31
SKGG may terminate:
- po sklepu skupščine z večino members present,
- po samem zakonu.
In the event of termination of SKGG, the property passes to its legal successor, but in the absence of such, to the Society of Slovenian Composers.
Budget funds are returned to the budget.
Article 32
This statute was adopted at the founding assembly of SKGG on April 3, 1996 in Ljubljana and supplemented at assemblies on June 4, 1996, December 3, 2002, March 18, 2010, and March 24, 2018.
Tajnica: _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 94-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ President:
Irena Yebuah Tiran _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- Katja K. onvalinka